our thoughts
A collection of insights and musings, along with tech talk and company events

Say you have a really cool idea for an app that will run on mobile devices and desktops. You tell us about it excitedly, painting a glowing picture of the World’s Best App that can do your laundry, charge your electric vehicle, and make coffee. (OK, we’re exaggerating, but you get the picture). How soon can we build it?

Steve Jobs said, “If the user is having a problem, it’s our problem.” That’s why user experience (UX) research is a vital step in software development.

Before you can start building an app, you need to ‘build the foundations’. This means carefully defining your aims before you start development.

So you have an idea. You want to build an app, get your systems to talk to each other, or update your legacy systems. Fantastic! We can help you.

When clients engage with us in order to create a new offering, we usually find ourselves recommending that they reduce their initial scope and budget.

Do you have a bunch of manual, administrative tasks that must be satisfied - requiring time and mental effort better spent on more productive tasks?

At Transformative, we are fundamentally a technology-agnostic organisation. Rather, we prefer the opportunity and the needs of users to drive appropriate user-centered design, which then indicates our selection of technology.

A crisis offered an opportunity for Transformative to help the government and citizens of our Cook Islands neighbours.

The JAMStack refers to a new way of building websites the delivers better performance, lower cost of hosting, higher security and a better developer experience.

Be aware and be kind, trust your team, provide tech back-up - just some of the tips for bosses out there as you get your team set up to work from home.

If there is one thing I’d suggest to every person working from home it is to over-communicate. A lot of context that’s apparent in face-to-face conversations is missing when you’re working in text-based conversations.

Transformative co-founder Katie Te Nahu Owen’s handy tech-based tools.

Sort out the basics, set up a work area at home, be prepared for video calls at home - these are just some of the ways we can set ourselves up for success when it comes to working from home.

Building a website based on features alone stifles innovation and can dilute business objectives. Learn to focus on the 'why' not the 'how' and build your website based on goals.

Business-Centred Delivery ensures that when you approach a development company for digital work, the final digital product delivered aligns closely with the goals of the business, creates a measurable improvement, and provides a genuine return on investment.