Remote working - free help

As a 100% Kiwi-owned digital transformation and technology company, remote working has been a core part of Transformative’s DNA from the get go.

With one full-time remote worker in the South Island, all of our Auckland-based team members have worked from home on Wednesdays and Thursdays, for the past nine years. We continuously run highly complex projects with global and local clients, using remote conferencing and work management tools. We’re experts at getting things done online. We’re also proud of the culture we’ve established along the way, with remote working tools and processes designed to foster collaboration and inclusion.

We know many organisations are not so fortunate, and COVID-19 is set to put unprecedented pressure on those not prepared for remote working or low proximity interactions.

To alleviate some of that strain, Transformative are offering our services to help prepare local businesses for this change in working conditions, and assist them in maintaining operational and profitable businesses through these trying times.

Free online workshops

In a one-hour online workshop, we’ll provide your company with ideas, recommendations for tools, and specific processes to implement your work-from-home strategy.

Our experts will sit with you virtually, working through a process of understanding the current environment and your specific challenges, leading to a set of jointly-created action steps

We have the experts, you have the need.
It’s free - we want to help Kiwi businesses.


Book an Online Workshop

Give us a call on +64 9 282 3802, email us at or use the form below...

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